Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Holy Smokes! Herban Kitchen is GONE!!

It was still there a few days ago , but I drove down Oakland Park Blvd earlier today and nearly went off the road in shock!! The sign sems to have been replaced with something like Sugar and Spice Cafe and there was a web address under it that I wrote down as snscafe.com, but I can%26#39;t bring anything up with that!! Oh no!! I just kep hoping it%26#39;s the same folks with a new name, but I%26#39;m pretty sure not- I loved that place ( I know Pat and Harry have enjoyed it too). I want to have more salad dressing !!

Pat take a look when you go by- could I have been hallucinating? I only had one glass of wine with lunch (Ferdo%26#39;s by the way - it was great as usual!)

This has got to stop- I%26#39;m afraid to look any more

Holy Smokes! Herban Kitchen is GONE!!

I just saw it a few days ago too.

The old website says they are under new ownership


There are pictures of the new owners. Let%26#39;s hope

they gave the new owners the salad dressing recipes.

Holy Smokes! Herban Kitchen is GONE!!

The entire menu on the website isnow completely different from the old herban Kitchen one - sort of French , a little Italian etc- nothing like the old one- but I wonder if there is yet another change under this new name I saw posted today .

The new menu on the Herban site sounds a little too pretentious in my opinion for a place called Sugar and Spice... whatever is going on - I don%26#39;t think I like it.. not at all...

LL2-What is going on in FLL with all these restaurants going out of business. I%26#39;m glad I got to try Herban Kitchen on our last visit.That pork dish was great, as was the salad dressing.I don%26#39;t know if the 1st week of December is a slow week in general down there, but most restaurants we went to, including Herban Kitchen,were not busy at all. Ferdo%26#39;s Grill was GREAT!!! I%26#39;m looking forward to going back on my next trip, so could you please make sure it stays in business! My sister is down there now and likes this little hole in the wall place in LBTS called Tedesco%26#39;s for Italian food and pizza. I%26#39;ve never noticed the place myself.Have you tried it? Jody

Yes, we%26#39;ve been to Tedescos a few times and it really does look like nothing- but the food is really good, big portions and very reasonable- I%26#39;m glad she found it- I never even thought to suggest it. Actually one thing we had there that was so good but sounds weird was penne with a sauce of tomatoes and sun dried tomatoes- it was so good- we brought home at least half and would deinitely have it again next time. Funny thing is , it reminds us of a Chinese restaurant because they have this enormous menu just filled with choices and I can%26#39;t imagine how any kitchen can have so much stuff to work with- probably best I don%26#39;t ask too many questions. It is indeed a place that never seems very busy though they do a big take out pizza business- I think we discovered it when we got a discount pizza coupon in the mail!

I am afraid to look at any more restaurant signs- this is getting bad indeed! We had party of 12 at Ferdo%26#39;s for lunch- and they seemed to be doing really good business- that hummus is great!!!

LL2- I%26#39;ll be back down to FLL on Feb.19th,for 1 nt.only before we have to head down to Miami for a conference.We%26#39;re staying at the Hilton on the beach this time (with points).It will be really hard to decide which restaurants to go to for our short stay.We%26#39;ll probably be able to do 1 dinner and 2 lunches there.Southport Raw bar is a must for lunch,and maybe Pa Degennaro%26#39;s for dinner.Kilwin%26#39;s for ice cream as well. On the way to Miami,I hope to stop at Jaxson%26#39;s for their kitchen sink sundae!!!I can feel the added pounds already!!

Trotted up to the FORMER Herban Kitchen this am when I made a UPS store run- and it is actually completely closed now, with a sign on the door that says ';Sugar and Spice Cafe - closed for renovation.. '; So, it%26#39;s looking to me like the new owners of Herban didn%26#39;t make it- the Herban Kitchen website with their new menu was advertising a New Years Eve package so they must have been at it for a short time. Frankly, I%26#39;m not surprised- nothing on their menu sounded very inviting to me as a former customer. I suspect this Sugar and Spice is a try at something else- but that website ( www.sns.com is advertised on their sign) won%26#39;t come up for me, so who knows when/if it will open and as what! Sigh...

A poster in Pompano reported that Jeremiah%26#39;s there is still open- which is good news as I had heard they were struggling amid all the construction sites there and might be giving up. We haven%26#39;t been in quite a while ( I guess I%26#39;m part of the problem...) but did find the dinners there quite good and lots of variety. Hope they hang in there!

LuLutoo - While we definitely enjoyed our meals at Herban Kitchen the waiters%26#39; attitude could definitely turn people off from returning. Possibly this contributed to their downfall.

Keep us informed about this site if you don%26#39;t mind.

We had dinner with our friend JD3 and her husband up in Boston Wed. night before continuing on to downtown Boston for Thursday %26amp; Friday nights. I%26#39;m envious she is getting to return to FLL so soon.


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