Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pin Trading

We are visiting in October and my daughter is interested in the Disney pins. Can someone please tell me how much the starter kits are and also how expensive the pins are to buy. Are the pins available to purchase in the Disney shops. Also, is pin collecting a time consuming activity.


Pin Trading

You can get starter kits with a lanyard and 4 pins for about $20....then you can buy individual pins for anywhere from $10 and up depending on size, if they have moving parts, if they lightup, if they are special event, etc.....regardless of the value of your pin, you can trade with cast members for even higher value pins so long as they dont already have the pin you are trying to trade them....if you see a pin on someone just try to strike up a trade....we trade with cast members and other guests....we have made many trades and struck up many interesting conversations while waiting in lines or riding on the is only as time consuming as you make it...we really enjoy it.....we trade a few while there and buy a few each trip that we will never part can find them at all resort stores, all parks stores, at countless carts in the parks, and downtown disney.....we have our favorite characters, our favorite rides, one with each park name, special celebration pins and one with each year that we have trading can become addictive.....just like this forum...LOL!!!!

Pin Trading

oh, you can also buy countless pins on ebay for much cheaper and then trade them when you get there for something you see on someone there

Before each trip, I load up on ';lots'; of pins from Ebay...I don%26#39;t care what they are as long as they are offical Disney pins....I do the ';lots'; to save on individual shipping costs...once we get there my niece has more than enough pins to trade for the entire week at a fraction of the cost of buying at the parks ($8.95 for a basic pin and up....). We learned the hard way our first trip....about $400 worth of pins because she would not trade..she had to keep everything we bought her. She makes out like a bandit now (and Auntie saves money)....she has become very smart at recognizing the higher value pins on cast members lanyards and at the pin trading locations or events. We also scour Ebay for cast member pins to fill out her collections/pin series. We have a fun time at the park looking for ';missing'; pins and all the new pins....quite addictive!



Agree to above. When we went first time, we bought a 50 pin %26#39;pack%26#39; off ebay. This time, we%26#39;re getting a 250 ;) Just toss em the suitcase and pull out 15-20 each day for trading :)

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