Saturday, April 21, 2012

Steal at Disney magick kindon in orlando

HI, Today Jan 28 2008, I had the worst experience in my life. I%26#39;m from Brazil and me and 3 friends came to disney resort to enjoy ouer vacations. So, Today we went to the theme park after bay a computer and a Ipone at Millenia Mall, we parked the car by 6 pm, so we went to the theme park an when I arrived at my hotel Disney Alls Tar Music Resort, I got the worst sensation ever. I opned the trunk of the SUV, and my friend%26#39;s brand ney computer wasn%26#39;t there, so do not my Ipone, I couldn%26#39;t beleave that someting like that woild be happening at Disney World Location. I%26#39;m From Brasil a country that have many problemens with secutiry but this never hapenned with me or my friends. So we went to the front desk and ask for help, the maneger of security come by and report the facts, so now we have a big problem, would disney pay for the stolen itens in the car? I hope so, becouse that was over a $ 1,500 stolen, so tomrow we will receve some new informention. If any body have this same problem, please tell me.

Be carifull in your next visit to disney world.

Steal at Disney magick kindon in orlando

The moral of the ';story';, and a worthwhile moral to point out to people, is Never Leave Valuables In The Car.

You%26#39;ll find that Disney has a disclaimer ';own risk';. However, they do have quite persistent and regular security patrols in their car parks so it is surprising this may have happened.

Steal at Disney magick kindon in orlando

Hey Chinner%26#39;s,

It was only a couple of day%26#39;s ago that someone was worried about the lack of safes in the villa%26#39;s and had concerns about cleaning staff etc:

The advice given by some on here was to lock the valubles in the trunk of the car..............

I think the lesson here is, NO where is safe from a criminal so be careful.

Not even on Disney property.

Good Luck Eduardo.

It%26#39;s unlikely that Disney will pay up, they have disclaimers for this sort of occurence.

I hope you were insured, although even then the insurance company might not want to pay up.

Good luck mate

which day was that?

Jan 28???

didn麓t you notice anything in the car? like it had to be forced to be opened?

Really hate to see this stuff happening on the Disney Properties... By they have security cameras out in the parking lot area ? May be we will have to start posting a sign in our room..';This room is being watched by our maid cam'; Kind of like the nanny cams !! May be it would make the people entering our rooms....a little bit less apt to be light fingered !! Just a thought...

Disney Chicks

SUV vehicles, for the most part, have windows all around and there is no real ';trunk'; in most of them (you didn%26#39;t state what kind of vehicle you have).

If any valuables are visible from the windows, they become targets, unfortunately. I understand being upset about the stolen property, but theft is common for those who%26#39;ve become an expert at it.

BTW, Disney will most likely file the report, but they will not pay for the items.

And I hope you had travel insurance, and personal item insurance with your rental. Don%26#39;t expect Disney to pay. Youu could have checked in before you went to the park and left your things safely with the bellhop to be locked away. If missing form there, then you could expect something form disney.

If you paid by credit card, some providers give some cover for lost, stolen or broken items.

This is a 1st post? Why?

I%26#39;m very sorry about your loss!

I%26#39;m afraid that the sad truth is that criminals take advantage of every opportunity. Criminals don%26#39;t care if they%26#39;re at Disney world, in a church parking lot, etc.

I do hope that you have some form of insurance that will cover it!

Today is Jan. 25th

or am I living in the Past ?

  • ittwit
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