Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Anybody going to the Marriott for Spring Break???

Anyone staying at the Marriott for Spring Break - Easter weekend - the week before or after? Just thinking there are such great people who contribute here on the forum and have met such incredible people over the years on Marco, we%26#39;ll probably wind up sitting at Quinn%26#39;s across the bar from each other, and never know it. I%26#39;ve actually had this happen several times where we found our later here on the forum that we were there at the same time. Anyone interested in maybe meeting up at Quinn%26#39;s (where we%26#39;ll be anyway) on a give night? I%26#39;m not nuts, or some freaky cyber freek. Actually, I%26#39;m a school librarian who happens to be married to a movie producer (that%26#39;s how we can afford Marco, God knows we couldn%26#39;t do it on my salary!) But, we%26#39;re just your normal, every day, run of the mill people who go to Marco where normal, everyday run of the mill is incredible white sand and blue water so we like to share it! Randy - you, of course are invited. Jackiepaddy - I think we might be a bit early for you, but would love to meet you! Let me know, or just tell me I%26#39;m nuts and leave it at that!


Anybody going to the Marriott for Spring Break???

Great idea, Annie. But we won%26#39;t be there until April 11th. And believe it or not, we haven%26#39;t been to Quinn%26#39;s in years. I know, I know...but we are committed to going this year. I have a question for you and for any others about staying at the Marriott versus renting a home. What are the primary benefits of staying at the Marriott? We love the private pool, fishing dock, bathrooms for everyone, full kitchen, etc.

Anybody going to the Marriott for Spring Break???

I will be visiting the Marco Island Marriott for the first time 3/10-3/14. I have two daughters (10%26amp;13). My wife and I are looking forward to some serious R%26amp;R and weather that is much nicer than Indiana winters. Your reviews and info regarding Marco have been very useful.



You%26#39;ll soon be addicted. Your kids would enjoy a sunset cruise on the Kahuna catamaran. Very fun. Unbelievable view. Also, check out the fishing charter boats that come in at the Marco River Marina at about 4:30pm daily. Watching the MANY pelicans come in for fresh fish is great. They%26#39;re like dogs!

Go the Apollo Condo at the South Beach to the sports bar to watch the sunset and the dolphins diving in the Gulf. Joey%26#39;s has great pizza and pasta. Enjoy!

Seems like we%26#39;re going a little later than the rest of the country! Not that I%26#39;m complaining, I%26#39;ll go anytime I can get there. Jackiepaddy - we have friends who always stay in a private home and it%26#39;s gorgeous - looks like something right off of MTV%26#39;s Cribs and I understand why they love to stay there. We do other trips every year, but Marco is my one and only 9-10 days where mom gets to vacation too. For us (O.K., mostly me) a huge advantage in staying at the Marriott is someone else waits on me for a change. I don%26#39;t have to nag anyone about keeping the place clean. I can even get someone to bring me a ';foo-foo'; drink (highly technical term meaning any drink with an umbrella and lots of fruity things hanging from the side of the glass) to my lounge chair on that gorgeous white sand. It%26#39;s my 10 days a year to attempt to regain my sanity so I can go back to the craziness of my reality. It%26#39;s not cheap, but worth every penny to me! Have a great time!

Annie: Makes sense...didn%26#39;t realize there was waiter service to your BEACH CHAIR! Worth every penny. I will have it, too, but it will be me carrying the drink to my chair in the sun. But I%26#39;ll still love it! Enjoy. The days are counting down quickly!

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