Sunday, April 15, 2012

One magical moment or event...

Thank you for the great advice and helpful hints I have received so far...We are all so excited for our Disney trip, and I think I have everything planned but am worried we are going to miss out on a ';must see/experience'; event. I grew up going to Disney almost every year and have so many great memories. Want my kids to have great memories, too (preteen and teen). So....any advice as to one MAGICAL MOMENT that we should be sure not to miss? Thanks so much!

One magical moment or event...

The opening of the MK!!! Get there about 1/2 hour before the scheduled opening to get a good spot outside under the train. Then stand there and watch the characters arrive on the train, singing ';Casey Jones'; and waving. Watching the dancing. Count down 10-9-8...until the guest family tosses out the pixie dust and the gates open...I get choked up every time over the excitement of my children.

One magical moment or event...

Ditto..on the MK opening...My eyes kind of get all teary !!

Disney Chicks

OMG ! We are always inside eating breakfast somewhere and trying to get the best spot in line when the busy rides open......I%26#39;VE NEVER SEEN THE OPENING OF MK.

Number one on my list this time. Sounds great.

The 1st time i saw the fireworks. Still brings a tear to my eye even after all this time.

Ditto...we never miss the opening of MK....the song is corny but it wouldnt be a disney trip without it....i am as excited as my daughter when i hear that train whistle blow to signal the characters are rolling in....and the other is Wishes....the fireworks, the music and the castle changing colors...a truly magical combination not to be missed

In all of our trips we have never been there at opening...that truly sounds is now on the top of our list for our visit this year....I can%26#39;t wait to read new ';magical must do'; posts....


....If going to the Mk try to be one of the first ones there( you get the pixie dust) the turn style, in front of the entrance. When they let you through the turn style move over to the right a bit so you will not miss out ..this is where the characters will come in on the train and do a little number :).

Disney Chicks

My magical moment was when Mrs Teapot fell over in %26#39;Beauty and the Beast%26#39;. I thought to myself %26#39;I hope she doesn%26#39;t get injured because that would put her carreer in %26#39;Murder she Wrote%26#39; in jeopardy%26#39;.

I should not have worried because she went on to make another 3400 episodes of that drivel.

We will definitely put this on our list....sounds wonderful! Thanks so much...can%26#39;t wait to hear more.

I would say seeing the Fireworks and Spectromagic

at Magic Kingdom.

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