How bad are the no see ums and mosquitoes this coming week? Thanks!
no see ums and mosquitoes
I have rarely had big problems with mosquitoes personally on Sanibel. No-see-ums when around are usually only a dusk issue but can occasionally be bad other times especially if the winds die down.
Hopefully someone on-island currently can give us an update!
no see ums and mosquitoes
I was there a week ago. I%26#39;ve never found mosquitoes to be much of a problem on Sanibel. No-see-ums at dawn and dusk; weren%26#39;t a problem during the day, except a couple times in the refuge. I always have some deet spray around to pull out if they start to bother me. Also when I kayak in the refuge I wear long pants and long sleeves.
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