Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sea World VS more time in Disney

We%26#39;re planning a week in Orlando in late April/early May and we%26#39;re a young married couple. It seems most economical to just stick to the Disney parks and included water parks. But now we%26#39;re wondering if we should try and squeeze in sea world and aquatica and maybe even bush gardens? Or should we just stick with disney and typhoon lagoon and blizzard beach? We%26#39;ve both been to the disney parks for a few days a few yrs ago, but not the water parks. I went to bush gardens and sea world as a young kid and remember liking them--but maybe it%26#39;s too much money and too hectic for a one week trip.

Thanks so much!

Sea World VS more time in Disney

if a week is all you have, I%26#39;ll stick with Disney parks.I love Sea World and it%26#39;s a good value but save it for your next trip.

Sea World VS more time in Disney

Go to Sea World on your next trip to San Diego. That way, you can still go but also go to a different city!

We Are also going in June with the 5 kids and struggling with trying to fit too much into a week. Right now we are planning Disney then a day to the ';Space Coast';. The Space Coast is a nice get-away from the people and high prices. I did go to Sea World about 15 years ago ... I like Disney and Universal Studios better.

Good luck and have Fun!

We did both last June and the adults and the kids liked Sea World better. The crowds were so huge and the lines so long at Disney and my little animal lover told me she liked sea world better...I thought maybe it was just me...but she liked it the best too.

You know it really all depends on your likes, etc.

If you have no kids Universal , Seaworld and Busch Gardens would be a better option. Disney frustrates the hell out of me because they are so overcrowded with the strollers and ignoant people who dont give a damn where they push them.

I have tried Disney many times over the years thinking it must get better but end up leaving after a few hous with throbbing toe%26#39;s and ankles after bieng bumped and run over by the thousands of strollers.

try to fit it in! it%26#39;s a great park and a relaxing break from disney. be aware that some of the disney parks will not take you all day, so you could always combine seaworld with a disney park. for example you could go to seaworld in the morning, and then go to hollywood studios in the evening since HS doesn%26#39;t have much to do and is great at night.

to be honest if you are going to th dw water parks i wouldn%26#39;t bother with aquatica and busch gardens is in tampa so could take up a bit of time, but i would defo do seaworld. it%26#39;s a great park plus free beer at the hospitality center and the shows are amazing, plus kraken is great

With only one week in the area, I would probably not go to Sea World, and definitely not Busch Gardens. There is so much to see at Disney that you cannot possibly see it all in only one week. But, if you do not have kids, a day at Sea World would not be a bad idea. However, Busch Gardens is a drive of at least over an hour, and I would stick with the Orlando area.

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