Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Park closing and leaving

Hi all - again! lots of planning going on here at the moment!

I have made a note that you have two hours to leave the parks after they have officially closed - is this correct? I cannot remember where I heard this!

When a park shuts are you immediately ushered straight out, or do the shops stay open for a while?

What if you are in a queue for a ride, do they shut the queues before closing time to make sure everyone in them gets to ride?


Park closing and leaving

Closing time is closing time, and the shops in the rear of the park close pretty much immediately at closing, the shops in the front of the park stay open a bit later.

I%26#39;m not sure you heard two hours, but that%26#39;s not really true, even on the busiest days they pretty much have the parks cleared by at most an hour or so after closing.

They do shut the lines before closing time so that if you are in line you%26#39;ll get to ride.

Park closing and leaving

Many (not all) of the shops on Main Street stayed open after the park was ';Closed'; when I visited MK last year. I so not know how long though

How does it work when disney resort guests can stay for extra magic hours? How do they get the rest of the people out? Does it close, then re-open?

The guests of Disney hotels who qualify for extra magic hours get wristbands, those without a wristband are denied access to the rides.

So if we were in a park with EMH in the evening, and we stopped using the attractions at 9pm, we could still be in the park and the shops until later if we wanted to?

Technically yes, but they don%26#39;t all stay open during Magic hours.

When we were in MK for EMH, the cast members started asking to see wristbands even to walk around. We were headed towards Cinderella%26#39;s castle from main street, and the cast members wouldn%26#39;t let you go towards the castle if you didn%26#39;t have a wristband. So maybe you can stay on main street and do a little shopping, but it didn%26#39;t seem like you could just walk around the whole park.

Thats great - thanks for your answers, I just want to know if we can grab any goodies out of the shop as we leave the park - although Im not planning on buying much until we hit DTD on our last day. (and I will be checking out Walmart too!)

the cast are experts at getting you out of the parks, the shops on main street are open but very busy. one point to remember is if you see a item which is specific to that park buy it, they dont stock them at downtown disney.

I think maybe you read somewhere that the buses continue to run for up to two hours after park closing. The shops on Main Street do stay open for a while after closing, so that helps with the rush toward the buses and other transportation...but it will of course still be a crowd heading out at closing, and the shops will be busy too. Just know this and accept it ahead of time, and then just relax and it won%26#39;t be so frustrating. It%26#39;s all park of the ';experience.'; Another thing they suggest is that if you don%26#39;t want to stay for the late parade, or the fireworks...head out before they end, and the crowd will be smaller.

The Disney Chicks

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