Friday, March 23, 2012

What is a better time to visit - October or November

May be planning another trip to Disney World. Was there last year the week before Thanksgiving. All the Christmas decorations were up, and attended MVMCP. It was great. Was thinking of going a little earlier this year, but am afraid October is too hot and rainy.

Which month do you like better?

What is a better time to visit - October or November

Did last week of October and first of November- and my understanding was that we has bad luck because it poured the whole time. October should be pretty dry - the average rainfall is about 2'; - November has shorter daylight - if you want to see the Christmas decorations then you%26#39;re talking late November,right?

Till Nov.9 they have the Wine and Food festival....

and you get to enjoy the Christmas decorations without the Christmas crowd...October was pretty busy around Halloween...there is fall break going on at some point so crowds can be an issue

What is a better time to visit - October or November

Hi Sue! We always arrive Thanksgiving day and stay until the week after. That is a great time to go also. The low season starts the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and we never have long lines at the parks. The weather is great.

October is much busier and hotter, and there are still threats of hurricanes. My vote would be for November!

We cannot go from the weekend before Thanksgiving until April due to my husband%26#39;s work. He can%26#39;t get off then.

I also thought about more daylight before daylight savings time ends. Last year when we went (Nov 10-17) it got dark so quick, I just can%26#39;t decide. I%26#39;m not a real big Halloween fan, but we already saw Christmas there and thought it would be nice to see something different.

We like mid October if that%26#39;s a possibility. It%26#39;s typically much cooler than September and since kids have just gone back to school it seems that parents haven%26#39;t taken them out for vacations yet and the parks are fairly quiet.

hey PASue,

i may be in the minority, but i actually prefer october to visit parks. to me, october has perfect weather. it averages around 85 in the daytime, yet it is not cold at night, unlike november and december. it is technically still hurricane season, but fyi the season actually lasts until nov. 30th. the height of hurricane season is in september, so chances are low of one coming when you are there.

unlike what others have said, i have not ever found october to be overly crowded. i%26#39;d say crowds are on the low side of moderate. average waits are about 25 mins.

I would not avoid Florida in October due to hurricane risk, but they are a real problem. Surprisingly, the prospects at that time of year are better in Puerto Rico, where the season peaks earlier.

I think the week before Thanksgiving is a great time to visit and I would pick that week again.

I think there are now fewer crowds in November than in October, plus as you said, you get the Xmas decorations as a bonus.


my husband and I have been both in November and October. We now only go in October, normally the first 2 weeks. The weathers still warm but we have maybe had a day where its rained, or the odd one or two afternoons of showers. If you liked all the Christmas decoration then October is good for Halloween celebrations.

We love Halloween horror nights at universal and even though we were a bit old, we love mickeys not scary halloween. We%26#39;re from england and halloweens not really celebrated so it was nice to collect the sweets around the park.

I%26#39;m still leaning towards the October because I want to experience something different from Disney. I%26#39;m afraid if we go again for Christmas I will get ';burned out';. and I sure don%26#39;t want that. I am not a big fan of Halloween though, so it won%26#39;t overwhelm me, will it?

My husband and I watched some youtube of the fireworks and parades. I really don%26#39;t care for the ';eerie music'; and ';zombies'; He liked it all.

What are the other parks like, other than MK. Are they more just ';fall'; or are they Halloween too?


all the parks have halloween events. disney and seaworld have mild ones for children, yet universal and busch garden%26#39;s events are meant to scare you senseless.

but, you don%26#39;t have to go to the events if you don%26#39;t want to...they don%26#39;t really do any halloween things during the day. to compromise, you could always go end of october/beginning of november. that way, you could go to one halloween event for your husband, but afterwards have normal days at the parks.

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